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to immigration to Australia

The Australian immigration site clarified the
jobs required to work in Australian cities 2020-2021

, as well as the most
important conditions for immigration to Australia 2020 and obtaining an

 Australian visa and the way to apply, as the Australian immigration system
depends on

 skilled workers in various specialties, especially jobs and
professions required for crafts

, technology, medical and engineering where we
make it clear You Australia job list 2020.

for immigration to Australia 2020-2021

 and how to obtain a travel visa for

 Level 6
of the English Language Assessment Exam must be

 obtained according to the
guidelines of the Australian Government Departmen

t of Immigration website,
while after jobs and disciplines it is required that

 Level 7 of the English
language test be required.

The age
of the applicant for immigration to Australia must not be

 more than 50 years.


profession must be the same as the one you work there,

 and you must have
experience certificates from your country to practice that profession.

evaluation exam must be passed to the authority responsible for the profession,
according to the job applicant.

equivalence of your university degree from the Australian union of your
profession, and this is done by communicating with them via

 their website.

  Get 60
points on the immigration dossier through the Australian embassy

 in your

of jobs requested in Australia 2020

The jobs and majors required in Australia mainly
include a number of

 technical specialties, as well as engineers, doctors, and
nursing jobs,

 as well as teachers and chefs, as Australia has identified a set
of jobs

 that the labor market there requires so badly that there is a shortage.

is the official Australian immigration site and knowledge of the

Immigration Points and Professions System 2020

The work visa system in Australia has two types,
two codes are assigned

 to them: 489 and 190, and each type includes specific
jobs, and the list

 of jobs in the first type of visa allows obtaining a
permanent work visa

 anywhere in Australia, and the second type of visa, the
jobs are It

 includes divided by states, and it has an additional condition

 is that it does not leave the state for two years, according to the
Australian immigration site.

requirements to work in Australia

The profession of a person who wants to work in

 Australia must be within

required professions there and listed on

 the Australian immigration site.

It is necessary to make an equivalent to testifying or assessing the profession
for those who wish to legal immigration to

 Australia to work and also provide a
period of years of experience.

 This is a great advantage in legal immigration

 Australia to work so that you can work immediately

 upon arrival and have no
difficulty in that.

The equation is made at A $ 300 or more, and
this amount is estimated

 based on the type of profession the applicant

The request for equivalence or evaluation of the
profession is answered

 within three months at most, and the period also varies
according to

 the type of profession or certificate.

The applicant for legal immigration to Australia to

 work must not be more

fifty years old when submitting the application.

The IELTS test for the English language must be passed

 with a score of no less
than six points in all four

 branches of the language and a higher score may be
required in some

 specialties. Follow the topic of how to pass the IELTS test.

If you are a health profession (doctor, nurse
...), then you will be asked to take another test, OET.

The person must provide medical examinations that prove that he is

 free from

The criminal status or criminal record of the person is free of any crimes

Seventh: Obtain a total of 65 points from the
number of points required.

 This stage is one of the most important stages

legal immigration to Australia to work. The total of sixty-five points is the

 level of admission, but it is preferred to get above 100 points

increase the chance of accepting your application to immigrate

 and find work in

to migrate to Australia

Here we come to the practical steps after
defining your goal

 and your knowledge of the conditions in theory:

to the Australian Embassy in your country or

 log on to the Australian
Department of Immigration website.

the profession you want to work there.

the type of assessment that matches your profession as

 mentioned above.

to this evaluation body and it will ask you for all the papers and documents
required of you and it will determine the total number of IELTS scores

 for you
to achieve for admission.

these required documents to the evaluation body,

 which will study the extent to
which your file conforms to the standards of legal immigration to Australia to
work or not,

 and this is as we mentioned

 according to the conditions and
degrees obtained.

acceptance, and we hope this is for everyone,

 the evaluation agency will send
you its response to

 your address that you sent them within your papers.

accepting the formula or evaluation, you can then

 send the immigration
application to Australia and obtain this application from

 the Immigration
Department website.

for the immigration department to

 respond to your request,

 and the response to
the immigration

 department’s request

 will be for some other paper, namely:

comprehensive medical examination proves

 that the person is free from
communicable and infectious diseases.

status certificate,

 which proves a person’s good behavior and is not accused of
any crimes.

the Immigration Department accepts your application,

 you will be able to apply
for the visa and then travel to work in Australia.
