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monuments in the United States of America

The United States of America

is considered one of the most important countries

 around the world, if not the most important at all. It is also considered

 a prominent and major player at all political, economic, social, religious,

 cultural, artistic, and other levels, mainly due to the fact that this country

 has been able To dominate the global issues of control, and to control

 them in the way you want, which mainly serves its supreme interests.

The United States of America contains a very large number of landmarks,

 and in all areas of all kinds, as these landmarks are major points of attraction

 for all tourists, visitors, and workers from all over the world. Below is

 a simple mention and explanation of the most prominent

 and distinctive American landmarks.

What are America's most important landmarks?

statue of Liberty:

This statue is considered a distinctive American icon, for the first thing 

that any person conjures up in his mind, which was associated with

 this country is this important statue. The Statue of Liberty is an 

important gift that the French Republic presented in the late nineteenth

 century to the United States, in order to strengthen friendship and

 cooperation between the two countries, as this statue was presented

 on the occasion of the centenary of the American Revolution

 that took place in the last quarter of the eighteenth century.

Smithsonian Institution:

This institute is considered one of the most prominent educational institutions

 that are interested in scientific research fields, in addition to the presence

 of a group of important museums, which are major points of attraction for 

large numbers of visitors. The institute is run by the American government,

 and its facilities are distributed in many American regions, including Virginia,

 Washington, DC, New York, Panama, and others. The institute also includes

 more than one hundred and forty million items in its holdings list.


This area located in Los Angeles County in California, one of the most important

 states in America, is famous because it contains a large number of

 the most important movie studios in the United States, and indeed in the

 whole world, as it is a historical and major center for the film industry

 in the United States, and all regions of the world. The name of 

this region has become used to refer to American cinema.


Disney City is one of the most famous game cities around the world,

 and it opened for the first time in California in the year one thousand

 nine hundred and fifty-five AD, and it is owned by the famous

 American company, Walt Disney. This city has expanded greatly,

 as it has opened many branches around the world, 

including: Florida, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Paris.

Lincoln Monument:

US President Abraham Lincoln is one of the most famous American personalities 

who have contributed to transforming and changing the history of the entire


 Hence, this distinctive monument was built in the American capital,

 Washington, in honor of his memory, and to demonstrate his great standing.

National parks and resorts

As the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, The Walt Disney Resort

 in Orlando, Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, 

and Coney Island in New York.

Mount Rushmore

It includes sculptures of the heads of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, 

Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.

Statue of Liberty

Which is located in the port of New York, as a woman carrying 

a book and a torch, and this monument was a gift from our horse to the

 United States of America in 1886 in celebration of the centenary of independence.

Archaeological sites

Graceland Palace is home to And Roll Elvis Presley in Tennessee, and contains

 some ancient stadiums such as Fenway Park Baseball Stadium in Boston

 and Wrigley Field in Chicago.

Niagara Falls

It is one of the largest waterfalls in the world located between New York 

State and the Province of Ontario, and it is described as one of the wonders

 of the world, in addition to its beauty and as an electric power generation

 from water.

Kailua Volcano

A volcano located Hawaiian Islands, and is the most active among the volcanoes

 on these islands and the most active in the world compared to many

 other volcanoes.
