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Female artificial intelligence robot in China

On Sunday, Xinhua used a robotic news anchor simulating human facial expressions

 and behaviors to provide news about the delegates who arrived in Beijing to

 attend the annual meeting of Parliament, which poses a clear threat to news

 broadcasters in the coming years.

This type of news robot is called an overlay announcer or artificial intelligence

 broadcaster, and it is an automated news anchor that mimics human facial

 expressions and behaviors.

The announcer of artificial intelligence combines the images and sounds of human

 broadcasters using artificial intelligence technology to read news in the same

 way as the effect of the human broadcaster, because the machine learning

 program is able to synthesize real words, lip movements and facial expressions.

An artificial intelligence robot named "Xin Xiaomeng" appeared in Xinhua'

s one-minute video presentation, with a short haircut in a pink dress and earrings,

 to present a flawless newscast.

Xin Xiaomeng was designed to resemble the appearance of Qu Meng, a Xinhua reporter,

 as there was no difference between the two, and many did not notice the differences

 when a robotic news anchor first appeared.

The new robot was developed in cooperation between Xinhua and the Chinese

 search engine company Sogou, which is based in the Chinese capital,

 and with whom the news agency previously cooperated to develop

 a news robot launched during the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen.

China has been working for years on developing AI newscasters,

 however, early attempts have not been successful, and this includes

 the failed attempt to write a robotic news reporter named Jia Jia.

Jia Jia first appeared during a live broadcast on the air, but it was

 a failure with very long response times and many meaningless one-word

 responses, but China is racing ahead to overtake the United States in developing

 artificial intelligence.

And the Chinese news agency explained that artificial intelligence technology

 greatly improves efficiency and reduces the cost of producing daily TV news reports,

 adding that it can quickly generate breaking news reports in order to improve

 the timing and quality of these reports.

Many experts on artificial intelligence say that the world's most populous country

 is trying to build a global AI empire and sow the technology ecosystem in the future.

China is trying to push its strength in the field of artificial intelligence technology,

 and it seems ready to become a global leader in this field, with the Chinese president

 owning ambitions to make his country a major innovation center for artificial

 intelligence in the world by 2030.

But observers are concerned that China is becoming a digital watchdog,

 with many emerging technologies such as iris scanning and gait walk learning

 to monitor ordinary citizens, activists and ethnic minorities in places like Xinjiang.

"I developed bingo three years ago with my team after the foundation

 of the Ai Bingo Company," said developer Ming Haibo, who holds a PhD 

in computer science from Tsinghua University in Beijing.

Ming, 36, father of two young children, started his business by designing

 a robot to educate his children at home, so he rarely found time to accompany

 his children due to the pressure of work. So he thought about making the

 educational process easy, gentle and shortening the time.

According to this policy, by 2021, it is expected that there will be at least 15

 million boys and girls who need pre-school education, kindergarten, and then

 the educational system will not be able to deal with them, in addition to

 that with the increasing number of young children, the country will face

 a shortage of 110,000 kindergartens and more than 3 million teachers during two years.


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